Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Me Gusta y No Me Gusta

This project was for us to explain in Spanish what we like and what we don't like.

Vitamin C Lab

 This is a Vitamin C lab completed.

Determining the Concentration Level of Vitamin C in
Different Juices

AISB 0714
Jan 7, 2013
(Graph and Data Table On Different Attachment)


To quantitatively test natural sources for vitamin C.


Flask (2)
25mL of control solution
1mL of 1% starch (for 6 trials)
50mL of IKI
Stirring rod
Baseline measurement
Apple juice, orange juice, grape juice, pineapple juice
7 beakers
Distilled water


Read the entire procedure and create your own data table(s) to record your results
Obtain 25 ml of the control solutions and pour it into your flask
Add 1 ml of 1% starch solution to the juice in the flask
Add 50 ml IKI to the burette; note the initial volume and record it in your data table
(record the exact amount in the burette.)
Slowly the iodine solution to the solution in the flask, drop by drop, swirling the
liquid between each drop added, until the solution in the beaker turns a blue/black
Note the volume of the iodine solution used to titrate the solution, and record it in
your data table.
Clean your beaker/flask.
Perform steps 3 to 6 for each test solution.
Clean up your lab station.
Using the baseline measurement, you will now be able to quantify the amount of
vitamin C in the other solutions.

Variables and Controls

Independent Variable: The type of solution used (juices). Different juices were used
in order to quantify the different concentrations of natural vitamin C within the

Dependent Variable: The final volume of solutions. The initial concentration within
the juices were altered from the IKI solution, which affected the final volume.

Control Variables: Maintain 25 ml of control solutions
Amount of IKI put in
The amount of

Data Presentation

Having known that 500 mg of vitamin C dissolves in 500 ml of water means there is
a concentration level of 1mg/ml. Concentrated liquid used up an average 8.5 ml of
lugols. The formula below was used to show the concentration level on Lemon juice:

1 mg/ml    8.5 ml
X mg/ml    0.7 ml

8.5=0.7 =0.7/8.5 = 0.0834 mg/ml


Percent Change:
= (Change in volume/ Initial Volume)x100

Change in Volume:
= Final Volume-Initial Volume= Change in Volume
18.6-18.1= 0.5

(0.6+0.1+0.1+2.6+0.4+0.2+0.8+1.5)/8= 0.79


Water was the factor to remove the juices from the beaker and could have
been left inside the beaker and damaged the results. This could have been
an affect because the amount of acid that had to be found could have been
ruined by the results of not cleaning the products well. Water was not a
potential product for this procedure.
Having air bubbles in the burette has affected the pace of IKI coming out and
could of influenced the results. The burette was needed to add the amount
of IKI needed into the flask of juices. The amount of IKI added into the flask
could have been over or under the amount needed.
Starch was a product to concluding the blue/black color in the juices. The
reaction could have been an affected if not enough was added in. The pipet
could have had air bubbles and not the full 1 ml that was needed could have
been added into the juices.
The result of the blue/black was determined by the amount of IKI that
was added and stopping it at the right time to swirl. If the product was not
swirled at the right time more IKI could have been added, there for adding to
much into the product. This could of influenced the results that were gotten
in the table.


Improvements could have been made by taking care of the materials. The
materials that were used had just been washed then reused. Next time having
more flasks could be an improvement because then products are not mixed.
The air bubbles in the burette is a complicated product to create
improvements on. The air bubbles were made by not stopping the product
properly could of resulted in the air bubbles. Cleaning out the burette after
each trial could have been made to make sure the product was used new
each time.
Cleaning the pipet could have been done by washing it out with water then
weighing it to make sure the balance was the same as the original weigh
before any liquid was added.
Taking more breaks in adding the IKI could have been an improvement and
not letting the IKI leak out.


The IKI reacted with the ascorbic acid, which then gave off the starch a blue/
black color. The starch reacting with the IKI created this blue/black color and
varied from amount of ascorbic acid that was in the juices. The more acidic the
juice the more IKI needed to be present.


Further Oral Activity (FOA)

For our English class we had to make an FOA. An FOA shows how you have learned the subject and then you show an example of your own through a presentation. The topic was gender issues.

History Outlines

History Outline

We had to create an outline for all 3 topics we had in History for our exams, so that we would have an idea of each topic.

Raz Segal
Dec 11, 2012

1. To what extent did the reaction of foreign powers dictate the course and outcome of the Spanish Civil War?

Thesis: The foreign powers played to a great extent in the Spanish Civil Wars reactions with giving a helping hand, trying to help as much as they could and gain trust of others support and showing power.
Paragraph 1
Having other countries being there to help the Republicans and Nationalists showed who had a stronger power.
            -Germany and Italy helping Nationalists a lot
                        -Giving them troupes
                        -Giving them military support
            -Having a close advantage
            -Soviet was to far to help Republicans
            -Not having enough support

Paragraph 2
The countries tried to gain as much support as they could incase they got into a war.
            -Germany giving enough support to Spain
            -Italy also giving support
                        -Both excepted help back
            -Republicans didn’t do much for Soviets since they didn’t win
                        -Nationalists won so gave more support

Paragraph 3 (Eric Howbsbawn)
Countries showed how much they could help to show how strong they where to determine power.
            -Eric Howbsbawns idea of how Spanish Civil War helped determine future of power levels
            -Germany practice the tactics
                        -Military tests
                        -Power support
            -Italy giving troupes

2. Analyze the reasons for the Nationalist victory in the Spanish Civil War.

Thesis: The Nationalist’s victory was a great victory for the Spanish Civil War. The Nationalists had a great advantage having great powers for it, and a strong military. However, the Republicans had a great disadvantage with getting help.

Paragraph 1
The Nationalists had strong power on their sides supporting them. (Eric Hobsbawn)
            -More army support
            -Hitler’s “practice run”
            -Support with weaponry
            -Close enough for support
            -Had popular support

Paragraph 2
The Nationalists were made up of military
            -Chose to make independence
            -Going against Republicans
            -Having more people on their side

Paragraph 3
Republicans only had the Soviets support
            -Soviets being far away
            -Not having enough military support
            -Having a less advantage not having enough people on their side

3. “The Spanish Civil War was a disaster not only for Spain, but also for Europe.”  To what extent do you agree with this assertion?

Thesis: The assertion that, “The Spanish Civil War was a disaster not only for Spain, but also for Europe” is true to a great extent considering the outcomes of Hitler’s “practice run”, the great assertion on how Hitler could get away with a lot and how the this determined the future of World War 2.

Paragraph 1
The Spanish Civil War used the help of other countries, but send much support to others
            -Spain only sent troupes

Paragraph 2
The Spanish Civil War was a practice run for Hitler
            -Practice for WW2
            -Testing military
            -Testing weaponry
            -Trying to Tactics

Paragraph 3
The Spanish Civil War showed positions of other countries powers
            -UK and USA staying back showed Hitler he could be confident
            -Eric Hobsbawn
                        The idea of Spanish Civil War put countries to their power statues
            -Hitler being confident with tactics
            -Spain staying back
            -Germany taking full power

Friday, 11 January 2013

Teacher Portraits

Teachers Project

We got put with a teacher and we had to research them. We had to figure out how they teach, what they like to do, like to each ect. Then we created a Andy Warhol pictures (the first picture).

Idea work from Andy Warhol. Making her funky colors.

Teacher Portrait

Master Photographers- Write up

Master Photographers

We had to choose 4 photographers and take 2 photos from each. We had to answer 2 questions based on 2 photos. This is one example of the photographer I enjoyed researching the most.

1. The artist that I have chosen is Robert Bergman who took the photo above in 1995. This photo does not have a title to it. The photograph is a photo of a homeless man or someone who would be poor. The subjects hair is messy and doesn't look so clean. A lot of Robert Bergmans photos of homeless people or people who don't have a lot of money.  

2. The setting of this place looks like it's somewhere outside because he is wearing a jacket and the background doesn't look like a house. The subject looks homeless or doesn't have a lot of money cause of the clothing and doesn't look so clean. The subject looks poor his hair is messy, his clothes aren't very matching, he looks dirty and from the expression on this subjects face. The photograph shows that the photographer has probably an upset mood quit a lot because all of his photos have this facial expression. The photographer is also probably trying to just make a point. The artist uses normal colors with a focus of light on the subjects face. The artist also uses a portrait frame and the rule of thirds.


Robert Bergman is a photographer of portraits. The portraits that he takes are in the rule of 3rds and only go up to the chest of the subject and the head. In all the photos the photos are focused only on the subject with a blurry background. All the photos that are on the website are of homeless people and how dirty they are. His photos are very beautiful because they let you think about the rest of the world around us. All his photographs are in color.

Pirates of Penzance Middle School Preformance


       Middle School Play Poster                                                             


For our photography class we got a task to take a painting that was created by a middle school and create it into a poster for their play. The painting on the left was the one we received and the one on the right is the one I created. Our goal was to add the play, the date, the time and the place.



October Break in Israel

Culture, Portrait & Place

We had to take photographs during our fall break. I took mine in Israel. We had to follow things that go with culture, portrait and place.

This is a photograph of a fence. This is showing a place of something. This shows point of view and close up. You can see how the focus is on the front and blurry in the back.

This is a portrait of a lamp. This shows contrast between the black and white.

This photograph is of a pond in my house. This has so much color added in it and has contrasting colors.

This shows the culture of places in Israel. This photograph has my brother standing in front of famous tourist spots of old volcano areas.

This is a portrait of my choice. This is a photograph of my youngest brother eating ice cream.

This photograph is a portrait of my oldest brother. It shows contrast between his face and the walls, while making a funny face.

Master Photographers- General

Master Photographers

We had to choose a photographer that we liked and had to write about the photograph and how they use elements of photography in their photographs.

Marilyn Manroe Imitated. Photograph taken by Cecil Beaton, Taken in mid 1930's. This photograph is of the famous Marilyn Manroe. This uses framing and also uses the rule of thirds. This photo uses black and white and gets contrasted by the photo of the Asia woman in the back which is black, also by the rose that is on her chest that is black. The subject is looking directly into the camera. This gives it a good affect I think because she is also happy, but has a bit of a strange face on so maybe more of a fake smile. I love Marilyn Manroe that's why i adore this photo because she has written most of my favorite quotes. Marilyn pulls you directly into her thoughts and makes you want to think about whats wrong with her.